Think 10 Years Older
Q: So, you did it all for yourself?
A: Yes, because you can only go so far if you're doing it for someone else. You have to be in it for yourself.
Q: What did you want to accomplish in K-1?
A: I wanted to be the champ. I wanted to be the best, the world champion. It was something I wanted since I was a teenager.
Q: What have you left K-1?
A: My records -- it's all about pride. People that don't fight will think that being champion is good enough. But I think pride is OK -- if I'm pleased, that's what matters.
Q: Did you talk with your family about your opponent?
A: They said it was fate, that I was lucky.
Q: Were they against you fighting?
A: No, not at all.
Q: How has your wife supported you?
A: You know, like she always does.
Q: It must be hard coming down to your last fight?
A: Yeah, but it was harder in the past.
Q: What do you think, looking back at yourself?
A: It was tough. I used to be really scared and trained all the time. But I ended up overtraining, and became overtired and depressed. But I understand that now. If I'm tired, I sleep and don't train. That's the best. I know now overtraining isn't good.
Q: Having an on and off switch?
A: It's because I'm 30 now. I'm different than when I was 20. I know how not to overtrain now.
Q: 30 is still young, right?
A: For athletes, it's the best time, right? Ability-wise?
Q: But you don't feel 30 mentally?
A: I feel about 40. That's what I've been told since way back, "think 10 years older."
Q: What kind of condition are you in?
A: I'm pretty tired. It's good to push until about a month before the fight.
Q: At the press conference, you said you knew what you needed to work on.
A: Yeah, but I can't say. The idea for the New Years eve fight is build a body to go five rounds, working to build a body that won't get tired even if I go hard from the first round. Of course, I do plan to knock him out though.
When Desire is Gone, It's Over
Q: I feel like the two of you are going to go at it.
A: Oh, we'll go at it. But I'm stronger now, and have better stamina.
Q: Do you want to go five rounds?
A: If possible.
Q: Five rounds seems tough.
A: The strategy for 3 rounds and 5 rounds is completely different. For Souwer too.
Q: How does the strategy differ?
A: I don't want to get into specifics, but it has to do with how to use five rounds to knock him out.
Q: So there are tactics involved.
A: Yes.
Q: The $1,000 yen Masato Seats sold out quickly. Can you feel the love of the fans?
A: I'm happy. What should I do if I'm the first fight?
Q: What was your biggest motivator thus far?
A: It's never changed. Desire, desire. This is what I wanted to be.
Q: Do you still have a dream?
A: Yes of course. Once the dream is gone, it's over.
Q: You've accomplished a lot, haven't you?
A: No no, once you start to thinking that way you stop moving forward. You can never be satisfied. That's why I keep challenging myself.
Q: What would you like to say to your fans about your last fight?
A: I'm not really thinking about that now.
Q: What would you like them to feel?
A: I don't have time to think about that now. I'm have too much to focus on myself.
Q: Do you have a message for the fans then?
A: If you want to have a good New Year, then I think you should come and see my fight. There are lots of fights, but I'm going to finish it right. I'm going to give you an ending you'll be happy with, and I won't let you down.
Source: www.k-1.co.jp
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